Welcome to my basic games!

We have learnt to code with python.

Input 1

This is a code for guess which is my brother's name using python:

  # This order the computer to write the phrase that is in quotes.
  print("Which is your brother's name:")
  # This means that what you write has to be a word.
  x = input()
  # This order the computer that if you say the thing are in quotes the computer answer and say again Eric.
  print("Eric", x)
  # This say that if the thing that you write is the word that is in quotes.
  if x == "Eric":
  # The computer ask the sentence that is in quotes.
      print("I know him, he's a very good boy")


This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named input01.py:

Input 2

This is a code to know in which continents have you gone using python.

  # This order the computer to write the phrase that is in quotes.
    print("In where continents have you gone?:")
  # This means that what you write has to be a word.
  x = input()
  # The part in quotes is the begginig of the sentence and the x is the answer that is added depending on the continent.
  print("I have been", x)
  # If the word entered by the user is the word that is in quotes.
  if x == "America":
  # The computer write the sentence that is in quotes.
      print("I love America, which is your favorite city in America?")
  # If the word entered by the user is the word that is in quotes.
  elif x == "Asia":
  # The computer write the sentence that is in quotes.
      print("I gone there once, the food there is really diferent")
  # If the word entered by the user is the word that is in quotes.
  elif x == "Oceania":
  # The computer write the sentence that is in quotes.
      print("I want to go there, which part do you recommend I go to?")
  # If the word entered by the user is the word that is in quotes.
  elif x == "Africa":
  # The computer write the sentence that is in quotes.
      print("I would like to go to see the animals, which has been the animal that you liked the most there?")
  # If the word entered by the user is the word that is in quotes.
  elif x == "Europa":
  # The computer write the sentence that is in quotes.
      print("I live in Europa, the next time call me and you come to my house")
  # The computer say another thing if you ask another option.
  # The computer ask this sentence that is in quotes.
      print("You need o know that the continents are", x)


This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named input02.py:

Math 1

This is a code to make a math operation using python.

  # Prepares the computer to understand and generate random numbers
  import random 
  # Creates 2 integer random variables (int is integer = nº integer)
  #17.66 is the random maximum, 12.98 is the minimum of the first number that appears in the operation
  n = round(random.uniform(17.66, 12.98), 2) 

  # 9.53 is the random maximum, and 3.45 is the random minimum of the second number that appears in the operation
  m = round(random.uniform(3.45, 9.53), 2)

  # Appears in quotation marks and variables
  print("What is", n, "minus", m, "?") 
  # Input is keyboard input-> int integer #str means string (word) # float = would be decimals
  x = float(input())  
  # If (if) what the user writes is equal to the rest of the two
  if x == n - m: 
  # Random numbers (n-m) type the word "Correct ..." on the screen
    print("Correct, you are genious") 
  # Else = otherwise incorrect
  # The computer ask this sentence that is in quotes.
    print("Wrong, try again")

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named math1.py:

Math 2

This is a code to makes maths operations using python.

  # Prepares the computer to understand and generate random numbers.    
  import random    
  # The initial puntuation is zero. 
      score = 0
  # Show in the screen this question.
  print("What is 13+6 ?")
  # If (if) what the user write need to be an integrer number.
  g = int(input())
  # If the user write the number 19.
  if g == 19:
  # Show in the screen this answer if is correct.
      print("Correct, you are good addend")
  # The computer add one point to the puntuation.
      score = score + 1
  # Show in the screen this question.  
  print("What is 72-68 ?")
  # If (if) what the user write need to be an integrer number.
  g = int(input())
  # If the user write the number 4.
  if g == 4:
  # Show in the screen this answer if is correct.   
      print("Correct, you are smart ")
  # The computer add one point to the puntuation.    
      score = score + 1
  # Show in the screen this question.
  print("What is 15·3 ?")
  # If (if) what the user write need to be an integrer number.
  g = int(input())
  # If the user write the number 45.
  if g == 45:
  # Show in the screen this answer if is correct.   
      print("Correct, you are on a roll")
  # The computer add one point to the puntuation.    
      score = score + 1
  # Show in the screen this question.
  print("What is 90:9")
  # If (if) what the user write need to be an integrer number.
  g = int(input())
  # If the user write the number 10.
  if g == 10:
  # Show in the screen this answer if is correct.
      print("Correct, you are very inteligent")
  # The computer add one point to the puntuation.    
      score = score + 1
  # Show the final puntuation. 
  print("Your score:",score)


This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named math2.py:

Guess 1

This is a code for guess which number I'm thinking using python.

  # Prepares the computer to understand and generate random numbers.
  import random
  # n is a integer number from 48 to 58.
  n = random.randint (48, 58)

  # Do the following code all the time counting up guesses until break condition.
  while True:
  # Show in the screen this question.
      print("I am thinking of a number, between 48 and 58 can you guess what it is?")
  # g is a number entered by the user
      g = int(input())
  # If the number entered by the user is equal to the random number the code stops.
      if g == n:
  # Break means stop the code when the previous condition is met.
  # If the user doesn't match the number.
  # The computer show the sentence in quotes if the user doensn't match the number.
          print("Wrong, think another number and try again")
  # The computer show the sentence in quotes if the user match the number.
  print("Correct, that is the number that I think")

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named guess1.py:

Guess 2

This is a code to guess the number I'm thinking using python

  # Random is a python library to create random numbers.
 import random
  # n is a integer number from 15 to 150.
  n = random.randint(15, 150)  
  # Guesses is a variable with initial value 0.
  guesses = 0 
  # Do the following code all the time counting up guesses until break condition.
  while True:
  # Add a guess every time I try to answer.
    guesses = guesses + 1  
  # Show in the screen this question.
    print("I am thinking of a number, between 15 and 150 can you guess what it is?")
  # g is a number entered by the user (input().
    g = int(input())  
  # If the number entered by the user is equal to the random number the code stops.
    if g == n:
  # Break means stop the code when the previous condition is met.
  # Elif means else if means if also happens this.
    elif g < n:  
  # If the number entered by user is minor than the random number tell the user "this number is too low, try a high number".
        print("This number is too low, try a high number")
    elif g > n: 
  # If the number ntered by user is more than the random number tell the user "this number is too high, try to say a low number".
        print("This number is too high, try to say a low number")
  # If the number entered by the user is correct tell the user "Correct!...".
  # Tell the user also the number of attempts.
  print("Correct! That's the number I was thinking about", guesses, "attempts you try.")

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named guess2.py:


This a pygame zero game to ensure that the ball doesn't fall, moving apart underneath.

  # This is for know the width of the screen.
  WIDTH = 800
  # This is for know the height of the screen.
  HEIGHT = 500

  # This is for know the measurements of the ball.
  ball = Rect ((150, 400), (17, 15))
  # This is for know the measurements of the bat.
  bat = Rect((200, 480), (100, 30))
  # This controls the velocity of the ball.
  vx = 8
  # This controls the velocity of the bat
  vy = 8

  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def draw():
  # This number is the screen background color.
      screen.fill ((128,0,0))
  # This is for the color of the ball and you put the color in quotes.
    screen.draw.filled_rect(ball, "blue")

  # This is for the color of the bat and you put the color in quotes.
      screen.draw.filled_rect(bat, "pink")

  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses. 
  def update():
   # It's a global variable.
      global vx, vy
   # You add in x the velocity to the x ball position to move it.
      ball.x += vx
   # You add in y the velocity to the y ball position to move it.
      ball.y +=vy
   # If the ball surpass the width of the screen or exits on the left side. 
      if ball.right > WIDTH or ball.left < 0:
    # Changes the sing of the velocity and changes the direction too.
          vx = -vx
    # If the ball collides with the bat or the ball exits up because it's less than 0.
      if ball.colliderect(bat) or ball.top < 0:
    # hanges the sing of the velocity and changes the direction too.
          vy = -vy
    # If the ball doesn't touch the bat.
      if ball.bottom > HEIGHT:
    # The game ends.
    # If in the keyboard I type the arrow in the right.
    # The bat moves 10 pixles right.
          bat.x += 10
    # If in the keyboard I type the arrow in the left.
    # The bat moves 10 pixles left.
          bat.x -= 10

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named pong.py:

Game 1

This is the python code using pygame zero:

   # Playa is a sprite, that is, a moving image in a game.
   # Playa is the name of a Class sprite (Alicia is an example of the class Homo sapiens), this means create an object from a class.
   # 'playa' is a name of a image in the folder images.
   playa = Actor('playa')
   # Topright means to locate the image in the top right corner.
   playa.topright = 0,10
   # Screen width based on the width of the playa.
   WIDTH = 500
   # Height based on the playa height + 20.
   HEIGHT = playa.height + 20

   # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses. 
   def draw():
   # Put all the screen black.
   # Draw the image in the screen.
    # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses. 
    def update():
   # Number of the velocity of the image.
     playa.left += 4 
     # If the image left is bigger than the width.
     if playa.left > WIDTH:
    # The puntuation is zero.     
         playa.right = 0

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named game1.py:

Game 2

This is a pygame zero game to see how the image pass.

  # Verde1 is a sprit. 'verde1' is a name of a image in the folder images.
  verde1 = Actor('verde1')
  # Topright means to locate the image in the top right corner.
  verde1.topright = 0, 10

  # Screen width based on the width of the verde1.
  WIDTH = 500
  # Height based on the verde1 height + 20.
  HEIGHT = verde1.height + 20

  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def draw():
  # Put all the screen black.
  # Draw the image in the screen.
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def update():
  # This is the speed of the passing image.
      verde1.left += 8
  # If the image left is bigger than the width.
      if verde1.left > WIDTH:
  # The puntuation of the image is zero.
         verde1.right = 0

  # The puntuation start with zero points.
  score = 0

  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def on_mouse_down(pos):
  # The computer start counting your points.
      global score
  # If you touch the image.
      if verde1.collidepoint(pos):
  # You win one point.
          score += 1
  # If you don't touch the image.
  # You lose two points.
          score -= 2
  # The computer write the sentence in quotes.
          print("There is no photo here, you lost two points")
  # The computer write your puntuation.

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named game2.py:

Game 3

This is a pygame zero game to see how the image pass and if you toch the image, you win a point.

  # rosalia is a sprit. 'rosalia' is a name of a image in the folder images.
  rosalia = Actor('rosalia')
  # Topright means to locate the image in the top right corner.
  rosalia.topright = 0, 10
  # Screen width based on the width of the rosalia.
  WIDTH = 500
  # Height based on the rosalia height + 20.
  HEIGHT = rosalia.height + 20

  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def draw():
  # Put all the screen black.
  # Draw the image in the screen.

  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def update():
  # This is the speed of the passing image.
      rosalia.left += 6
  # If the image left is bigger than the width.
      if rosalia.left > WIDTH:
  # The puntuation of the image is zero points.
          rosalia.right = 0

  # The puntuation start with zero points.
  score = 0

  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def on_mouse_down(pos):
  # The computer start counting your points.
      global score
  # If you touch the image.
      if rosalia.collidepoint(pos):
  # Sounds this sound.
  # The image change to the image 'rosalia_hurt'.
          rosalia.image = 'rosalia_hurt'
  # You win one point.
          score += 1
  # If you don't touch the image.
  # You lose two points.
          score -= 2
  # The computer write the sentence in quotes.
          print ("Try again, there's nothing here!")
  # The computer write your puntuation.

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named game3.py:

Game 4

This is a pygame zero game to se the image pass and if you touch the image, this image change and you hear a sound.

  # bro is a sprite, that is, a moving image in a game.
  # bro is the name of a Class sprite.
  # 'bro' is a name of a image in the folder images.
  bro = Actor ('bro') 
  # Topright means to locate the image in the top right corner.
  bro.topright = 0,10 
  # Screen width based on the width of the bro.
  WIDTH = 700 
  # Height based on the playa height + 10.
  HEIGHT = bro.height + 10 
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def draw():
  # Put all the screen black.
  # Draw the image in the screen.
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.    
  def update():
  # Number of the velocity of the image
  # This is the speed of the passing image.
      bro.left += 8 
  # If the image left is bigger than the width.
      if bro.left >WIDTH:
  # The puntuation of the image is zero points.
          bro.right = 0
  # The puntuation start with zero points.
  score = 0
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def on_mouse_down(pos):
  # The computer start counting your points.
      global score
  # If you touch the image.
      if bro.collidepoint(pos):
  # The bro sticks.        
  # If you touch the image you win a point.
          score += 1 
  # The computer write your puntuation.
  # If you don't touch the image.
  # If you don't touch the image you lose two points.
          score -= 2
  # The computer start counting your points.
  # Def is a function. In this case appers when the image change.
  def set_bro_hit():
  # If you touch the first image, appers the second image named bro_hurt.
      bro.image = 'bro_hurt' 
  # At the same time that the image change, appers a sound.    
  # Time that the second image lasts.    
      clock.schedule_unique(set_bro_normal, 2.5) 
  # Def is a function.In this case appers when everything returns to the start.
  def set_bro_normal():
      bro.image = "bro"


This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named game4.py:

Game 5

This is a pygame zero where the star goes down and you have to get it to reach the tree.

  # Prepares the computer to understand and generate random numbers.
  import random
  # Is the number of width from the screen.
  WIDTH = 800 
  # Is the number of height from the screen.
  HEIGHT = 600 
  # arbol6 is a sprit. 'arbol6' is a name of a image in the folder images. This image appers in thee middle of the width.
  arbol6 = Actor('arbol6', midbottom=(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT)) 
  # estrella3 is a sprit. 'estrella3' is a name of a image in the folder images.
  estrella3 = Actor ('estrella3')
  # Topright means to locate the image in the top right corner.
  estrella3.topright = 100,10
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.    
  def draw():
  # In quotes you put the color that you want in the screen.
  # Draw the image in the screen.
  # Draw the image in the screen.
  # Between these two numbers appear random numbers that determine the position of the first image that is "falling".
  xpos = random.randint(0, 800) 
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses. 
  def update():
  # Is a random position.
      global xpos
  # The position of the star3 in y moves 5 pixels down.
      estrella3.y += 5
  # When you move the estrella3 to the left.
      if keyboard.left:
  # The position of star3 in x, move 5 pixels to the left.
          estrella3.x -= 5
  # When you move the estrella3 to the right.
      if keyboard.right:
  # The position of estrella3 in x, move 5 pixels to the righ.
          estrella3.x += 5
  # If you join the star to the tree.
      if arbol6.colliderect(estrella3):
  # The computer write the sentence in quotes.
          print('you win, you have joined the star with the tree ')
  # y coordinate of the object estrella3 is zero means it is located in the upper part of the screen.
          estrella3.y = 0
  # Position of a random number between 0 and 800.
          xpos = random.randint(0, 800)
  # The position of the estrella3 is the random number of the above.
          estrella3.x = xpos
  # If the estrella3 is bigger than 600.
      if estrella3.y > 600:
  # The computer write the sentence in quotes.
          print("you lose, you have not joined the star with the tree")
  # y coordinate of the object estrella3 is zero means it is located in the upper part of the screen.
          estrella3. y = 0
  # Is a random position between 0 and 800.
          xpos = random.randint(0, 800)
  # The estrella5 is placed in a random position.
          estrella3.x = xpos
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def on_mouse_down(pos):
  # The computer start counting your points.
      global score
  # If you put the image together.
      if estrella3.collidepoint(pos):
  # The estrella3 sticks.
  # You win a point.
          score += 1
  # The computer write your puntuation.
  # If the above does not happen.
  # You lose a point.
          score -= 1
  # The computer write your puntuation.
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def set_estrella5_hit():
  # la imagen de estrella3 que tengo guardada en el ordenador aparece como la imagen que hay en el documento.
      estrella3.image = 'estrella3'
  # Sounds this sound.
  # Time that the image lasts.   
      clock.schedule_unique(set_estrella3_normal, 0.5)
  # Def is a function.In this case appers when everything returns to the start.
  def set_estrella5_normal():
  # This is for when the star meets the tree.
      estrella3.image = "arbol6"

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named game5.py:

Game 6

This is a pygame zero game in which you have to touch the mosquito.

  # Prepares the computer to generate random numbers in different positions.
    from random import randint
  # mosquito1 is a sprit. 'mosquito1' is a name of a image in the folder images.
  mosquito1 = Actor ("mosquito1")
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def draw():
  # Put all the screen black.
  # Draw the image in the screen.
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def shoot_mosquito1():
  # The random numbers indicate the position of the mosquito, in the width form.
      mosquito1.x = randint(10, 400)
  # The random numbers indicate the position of the mosquito, in the height form.
      mosquito1.y = randint(10, 200)
  # Def is a function. This is a function and appears when you put parentheses.
  def on_mouse_down(pos):
  # If (if) the user shoot the mosquito1.
      if mosquito1.collidepoint(pos): 
  # If the above action is fulfilled, the computer tells you the text in parentheses and in quotation marks
          print("Good shot, you kill the mosquito!") 
  # The computer repositiones the mosquito and moves it to a random number
          shoot_mosquito1() #indica a la línia 6 que hde moure la posició del mosquito1
  # If you don't kill the mosquito1.
      else: #si no succeix l'acció de dalt
  # The computer write the sentence in quotes.
          print("You missed, you don't kill the mosquito. Try again!") #l'ordinador et diu la frase que està dins els parèntesis entre cometes
  # The game ends.

This is a videotutorial showing how to create a basic game named game6.py: